So have you all been looking?? Any ideas about what the hidden item could be??? So far no guesses, but we're just getting started ;o) To find your next clue, go check out this fun little shop run by another sweet homeschoolin Mama named Shanan
Shanan makes wonderful looking soaps and tats some incredible jewelry and home decor items. I never heard of tatting until I checked out Shanan's shop. It's a way to create beautiful lace by hand with a series of knot and loops. Very interesting! You'll have to go check it out!
Contact her for your next fundraiser! Many scents and swirls to choose from!!
Find out more about Shanan, their farmstead, and her many talents at http://soapsandshuttlelace.wordpress.com/
Don't forget to check out her shop and find clue #3!!!
Thanks! and Happy St Valentines Day!
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