Thursday, January 14, 2010

And the winner is...

Drum Roll Please...

Woo Hoo! has pick our luck winner...MothersMoon!!!

Ok, I've just been informed by my 4yr old that it doesn't count b/c she wasn't "drum rolling" but after review, the judges have decided that the ruling stands ;o)

Congrats MothersMoon!! I will be contacting you soon and you package will be on its way!

Thanks to everyone for playing and keep your eye out for my next contest! I have a really fun game with LOTS more prizes (possible CASH prizes) to come! I'll start the ball rolling on the next venture in a couple weeks. But you'll certainly want to hear about this one, so don't forget to check back before February ;o)


  1. Congratulations, MothersMoon! What a great package to win!

  2. COngrats Mothersmoon. Can't say I'm not jealous but also so happy for you! So exciting!!!
