Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back to School Shopping!?!

I know I say it every year, but can it really be back to school season already!?!?!  I feel like I'm just getting into the swing of summer... I haven't even gotten a chance to go camping or to the beach yet {yeah, I know that makes me a bad Michigander, but no... Something about 5 kids + sweaty sandy sun baked skin, just doesn't appeal to me, but I know beach outings are obligatory when you live in the Great Lakes State!}  So instead of focusing on the impending school year, I've decided to spend a little extra time in my shop this week ;)  That's a good thing for you, but a bad thing for my mounting to do.  But ah, I'll worry about that later... 

So while I'm working on some new earring flavors, why don't you do some back to school shopping Mama style ;)  With a new piece of jewelry, you'll be ready to face the change of season with a smile on your face!  
Not like you need an excuse for some new jewelry ;)  But the next 2 orders placed on OrganicMamasShop.com will receive a free Nursing Necklace!

If you found your way here via Pinterest or some winding way through the interwebs, don't forget to visit me on Facebook and add me to your news feed for the latest giveaways, sales, and other helpful Mama info!

And just as a little teaser, I'm going to try to post some pics later this week from my newly 9yr olds Narnia Birthday party!  It was wonderful and tons of fun, but pretty simple and very un-pinteresting ;)  But that's a good things and I'll tell you why!

Comment below and tell me I'm not the only one ready to think about back to school!?!

Hope you all have a beautiful week! 

Monday, July 16, 2012

A little fun to get back in the swing of things!

After a much needed break, I'm back :)  
While I work on a little shop keeping this week, let's have a little fun!!  I posted on FB last weekend and told you that however many like the post got, that would be the value of our prize pack!   
65 of you liked it!  

So the prize this week will be a gift certificate worth $65!!  

Here's a few suggestions ;)
Zebra Jasper
 A new Deluxe Mama Nursing Necklace
"Mama Blues" Deluxe Necklace
 Or what about...
Fancy Jasper Nursing Bracelet

And speaking of Nursing Bracelets, did you know that they're not just for nursing?!?  Right now I'm using my to keep track of how many glasses of water I drink :)  
I don't know about your part of the country, but up here in Michigan, it's been nearly 100 degrees for the past MONTH!  
{We Northerners are not used to this!!!} 
So I've been trying extra hard to get plenty of water!  
How about you?  Feeling a little dehydrated?  This might be just what you need :)

Here's my first attempt at rafflecopter ;)  
So if you hit any snags please let me know asap!  

The contest will run until Saturday the 21st at midnight!  
You can enter every day :)  
So have fun and let me know if you have any questions or would like to place an order!  

FREE SHIPPING at the main store OrganicMamasShop.com!!  
{not valid on etsy shop in sidebar}

So thankful for you all!  And you are always in my prayers!!  Thanks for allowing me to do what I love ;)

a Rafflecopter giveaway