I love this idea! Now you can browse through all of their material online just like you'd be able to if you were at a conference in person! ALSO, there are discounts, free shipping, and giveaways!
Just in time to start planning your next school year, right! Right? Positive thinking! Ha ha! I'm such a procrastinator... I was going to give that up for lent this year, but decided to wait until next year ;o)
Ok, not really, I'm not that bad. I'm giving up sleeping in, I figure that's the root of a lot of my bad habits. So if I get up early every morning, now I'll have time to check out the virtual conference and plan my school year early.
Praise be to God for giving us a new day each and every morning!
We'd be very glad if you would let your readers know about an Irish catholic blog:
It would also be very kind if you could link to/follow/blogroll it.
Happy Eastertide!