I saw this idea on Pinterest about a 30 day Mom challenge.
There were 30 simple things to do to help you become a better Mom.
I thought it was a great list, but some of the challenges lacked
something tangible to do, like "Focus on Joy".
Great thought, but in practice, I know I'd get to the end of the day and think,
"Oops, I forgot to focus on joy today!" I need something more specific I could do.
So, here's my plan! I'm going to use that list as a starting point and come up with a daily challenge and something small that we can all do to help us become a better Mom!
Who's in??
Day 1: Think of an activity that everyone in your family would enjoy then go do it!
Schedule a date and mark it in stone! No excuses! Even schedule a rain day {or more likely this time of year, a sick day!} Don't let anything get in the way of this awesome family adventure!
It could be something free like...
- Drive in Movie @ Home!
- DIY Talent Show! Everyone must plan an act! Or come up with some story starters and choose 2 family member to act out the rest of the story. Include a concession stand for fun!
- Sledding (plan a nice hot snack or meal for afterwards)
- Snowman Building Contest (complete with prizes for most creative, biggest, ect...)
- Plan a scavenger hunt! (around your house with the final clue being an ice cream sundae bar, or around your neighborhood!)
If you've got a little money to burn...
- Laser Tag! {remember how much fun that was when you were a kid?!}
- Bowling {relatively cheap, and even the little ones will get a kick out of bumper bowling!}
- Visit a Museum you've never been to! {Road Trip! Plan question and answer game or slug bug for the car ride)
Do something charitable together...
- Volunteer at a soup kitchen
- Visit a children's hospital and volunteer to lead a story time or craft activity

Now, spend 5-10 minutes, maybe quickly poll your family, and decide what you'll do and put it on the calendar! If you need to make arrangements, put it at the top of your to do list for Monday morning :)
Don't forget to report back! I'd love to hear what you guys decide to do? And I'd love it if you post an action shot on my FB page :)