The joke among real food families is that Mom might as well set up a bed in the kitchen, because she spends more time in there than she does sleeping ;o) While that's a bit of a stretch, I do spend A LOT of time in the kitchen. And I enjoy that! It's the heart of our home. And we have been so blessed by our new home and it's enormous and inviting kitchen. It easily lives up to my expectation as heart of the home (minus the fact that currently it is refrigerator-less).
But since I do spend a good portion of my day storing, preparing, and eating real foods, I'm always on the look out for something that will make my job a little easier and my family a little healthier! And if that gadget also makes us a little more prepared in case of emergency, then sign me up! The latest toy practical tool that's caught my eye is a grain mill. There aren't many choices in this arena but enough to make the decision difficult. The 2 that stand out are the NutriMill and the WonderMill.
Soon, Organic Mama's Shop will launch a new retail site, selling not only my handmade items, but also gadgets and tools to help make living a more sustainable lifestyle a little easier! So whichever mill I decided on, I'll open up a wholesale account and sell them though our new site! (But I will be ordering Mills before the site launches, so if you're interested, let me know!)
But for now, I'm in the research process. So far, both mills seem to be really quality machines. But which one will be a better buy? Not sure yet... I'll let you know what I find out ;)
Anyone with experience with either one, feel free to weigh in!